In the log messages of your feed you see the following warning:

     "Facebook rejected share action link on story '{title}'. Retrying to post the story without an action link."



RSSGraffiti created a share action link for this story. But when trying to publish it Facebook rejected it, considering one or more of the parameters associated with it invalid or inappropriate. This is usually related to the hyperlink pointing back to the source of your story.



There is nothing you need to do. RSSGraffiti automatically detects this situation and retries to publish the story without the action link associated with this warning. 

If this message is appearing often in your feed, then you may want to contact us using our Community Support Page, in order to investigate further on the possible cause of this issue in your particular case.


Very common reason:
URLs for your stories include spaces. There seems to be a problem with Facebook stream publish method and URLs that contain spaces. Try avoiding spaces in any part of the path to your content.

Special characters also have been seen to cause difficulties from time to time. If possible avoid those as well.

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